Frederikke Marie Andrea ForsbergAge: 76 years1839–1916
- Name
- Frederikke Marie Andrea Forsberg
Birth | July 25, 1839 32 |
Birth of a sister | Elise Vilhelmine Forsberg December 14, 1842 (Age 3 years) |
Birth of a brother | Andreas Anthon Herman Forsberg April 23, 1846 (Age 6 years) |
Death | July 5, 1916 (Age 76 years) |
Family with parents |
father | |
mother |
Inger Elisabeth Cathrine Kauffmann Birth: March 28, 1807 44 22 — Nykøbing Falster |
Marriage: October 31, 1838 — Maribo, Sjælland, Danmark |
9 months herself |
Frederikke Marie Andrea Forsberg Birth: July 25, 1839 32 — Nykøbing Falster Death: July 5, 1916 |
7 years younger brother |
Andreas Anthon Herman Forsberg Birth: April 23, 1846 39 — Østofte, Storstrom, Denmark |
-3 years younger sister |
Elise Vilhelmine Forsberg Birth: December 14, 1842 35 — Maribo |