Peter Kromans Familietræ

Hans Villiam ChristiansenAge: 4 years18751880

Hans Villiam Christiansen
Birth June 21, 1875 26 29
Birth of a brotherDødfødt Christiansen
May 18, 1877 (Age 22 months)
Death of a brotherDødfødt Christiansen
May 18, 1877 (Age 22 months)

Birth of a brotherChristian Nikolaj Christiansen
May 18, 1878 (Age 2 years)
Death of a brotherChristian Nikolaj Christiansen
May 27, 1878 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a brotherChristian Nikolaj Christiansen
June 13, 1879 (Age 3 years)
Death about 1880 (Age 4 years)

Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: October 4, 1865Sjællands Odde
2 years
elder brother
Peter Laurits Christiansen
Birth: March 3, 1868 19 21Sjælland, Danmark
Death: February 24, 1942Sjælland, Danmark
9 years
younger brother
4 years
younger brother
-23 months
younger brother
-5 years
elder brother
Hans Christiansen
Birth: March 24, 1874 25 28Sjælland, Danmark
Death: April 3, 1874Sjælland, Danmark
9 years
younger sister
-16 years
elder sister
4 years
elder brother
Hans Carl Christiansen - forbedretHans Carl Christiansen
Birth: February 13, 1870 21 23Sjælland, Danmark
Death: January 6, 1951Sjælland, Danmark
8 years
younger brother
Christian Nikolaj Christiansen
Birth: May 18, 1878 29 32Sjælland, Danmark
Death: May 27, 1878Sjælland, Danmark
-6 years
elder sister
-18 months
elder brother
4 years
9 years
younger sister